What is IDVerifact’s Data Model Consistency?

IDVerifact delivers data model consistency across their identity verification APIs for various business use cases such as document identity verification, telco based address verification, passive fraud verification based on email, phone or IP address.

Let’s see how it works

Verifying a typical government issued photo ID such as driver’s license, IDVerifact would always return the attributes in a consistent hierarchy and attribute below. Below is a sample example for the same. 
id documents

The data in these attributes can be mapped from any provider, even if they use a different name for them or place them at a different location in the API payload. For e.g

 = Unified and consistent error handling resulting in unified error codes


Customers that are implementing identity verification with multiple providers must understand and integrate with varied API signatures, error codes and message. This results in mapping complexity and managing different API signatures and Error codes. IDVerifact takes away that complexity and delivers a unified consistent harmonized response structure making it simple.

IDVerifact will always have a control data section in the API response that includes the following attributes
idverifact data model 2

The error section will be present in case any error occurs which will include the following attributes.
idverifact data model 3

IDVerifact will always have a consistent response Data which will include the field error type and error code when the data submitted is incorrect from a provider’s perspective. Different providers will mostly have different error response signatures and different error codes. Below are some examples.

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Yana Porszt