How are you delivering a frictionless customer experience?

In recent years, the regulated gaming sector has seen significant changes. Pandemic pressures have driven casinos, and lottery merchants to expand their digital offerings. Casinos were under lockdown and gamers had nowhere else to turn, so they turned to online gaming. Online slots, poker, blackjack, sports betting, and other apps and platforms are competing for attention. To provide a more personalized experience, service providers started to provide a broader selection of game alternatives on their platforms. 

Through both government institutions and foreign private operators, Canadians now have legal access to a range of regulated digital games, including lotteries, slots, tabletop games such as poker and blackjack, and sports betting. Even semi-state lottery corporations have evolved, releasing competitive solutions that include mobile apps that allow consumers to access legacy games and lotteries digitally via mobile devices . 
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As legal gaming expands online and across borders, online lotteries, sports betting, and gambling platforms are confronted with new challenges. In the fight against new account fraud, identity verification is an important security and compliance tool. When opening a new account, verifying your banking information, and withdrawing your winning funds, it’s critical to ensure that the person you’re dealing with is who they say they are.

It’s important to have an identity solution that is frictionless, versatile, and infinitely expandable to address future regulatory and compliance demands while staying ahead of, if not in line with, ever evolving fraudsters. The online lottery and casino sectors need to be able to detect the true presence of a physical ID document. By detecting and validating the exact type of identity document, including the issuing authority and the relevance of the jurisdiction that it’s in, it removes the need for the customer to self-identify the type of ID document provided. Using a platform that seamlessly extracts the name, address, and birthdate data from the front of the ID document by comparing it to any barcode detail provided on the document. 


Enter IDVerifact

You can cross-reference details provided from the identity document by asking the mobile carrier to validate the provided name, address, and birthdate of the customer against the details the mobile carrier has on record for the mobile account that is being used. You should also be able to validate the physical location of the mobile device based on cell tower location, mobile device telemetry, and IP address, and produce a distance analysis from the home address provided. When all of these identity proofing methods are combined, the client is left taking a front and back picture of their identity document and entering a valid email and phone number. The remaining steps in the onboarding of new customers and the validation of returning customers are automated and passive in nature. When risk is assessed by combining multiple identity and location proofing methods, the instances of account fraud, account takeover, and general non-compliant use of your digital applications are significantly reduced.

Your identity feature should be able to:
  • Detect the distance between the physical user location and the address validated during onboarding or other KYC/AML workflows
  • Detect rooted, emulated, and jailbroken devices during onboarding or other KYC/AML workflows
  • Develop profiles of trusted locations for your customers’
  • Leverage biometrics step-up to validate the end user on the other side of your lottery or gaming app
  • Create a managed device biometrics profile for your customer based on how they hold their device, how hard they typically tap their screen, and how they swipe in your app
  • Eliminate the potential for a customer to alter ID documents with different photos
  • Compare and provide a matching score from the photo provided on the ID document to a selfie captured by the customer
  • Ensure that the customer is physically present
  • Provide you with deduplication alerts

To learn more about identity verification in online lotteries and gaming, contact IDVerifact here.